The Importance of Sanitizing Gels in Today’s World

The Importance of Sanitizing Gels in Today’s World
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Did you know that sanitizing gels, also called hand sanitizers, are great for cleaning your hands? They are available in multiple forms. They are super handy if there is not enough soap and water for hand washing. 

You can use hand sanitizers in Canada to achieve infection control in places like daycare centers, schools, hospitals, health clinics, and supermarkets. The effectiveness of hand sanitizer can be inconsistent. Still, it remains a popular product for reducing the amount of germs and bacteria on our hands. If you want to discover more about this amazing item, continue reading!

When to Use Sanitizing Gels?

If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use an alcohol-based sanitizing gels. However, make sure that it contains at least 60% alcohol.

Note: Don’t use hand sanitizer if your hands are visibly dirty or greasy, for example, after gardening, playing outside, fishing, or camping. In such situations, always prefer a handwashing station when available, and wash your hands with soap and water.

How to Use a Hand Sanitizer?

Choose an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol content. You should also ensure that children under 5 years old are supervised by adults when using sanitizers in schools and daycares. This will help prevent the accidental swallowing of alcohol, particularly among young children.

Here are a few steps to follow while using a hand sanitizer:

  • Apply an appropriate amount of sanitizer on your hands that will cover all the surfaces.
  • Rub your hands until the skin gets dry (it should take not more than 20 seconds).
  • Don’t rinse or wipe off sanitizer before it dries off. Otherwise, it will not work against the microorganisms.

How Does Hand Sanitizer Work?

The primary purpose of hand sanitizer in Canada is to be used after hand washing or in cases where soap and water are not available. These alcohol-based gels get rid of germs on the skin. 

Alcohol is fast and effective at killing microorganisms and most viruses. However, high alcohol concentrations lead to dehydration of the skin, so most brands of sanitizers also contain skin moisturizers to reduce dryness and irritation.

Types of Hand Sanitizers

There are generally two types of sanitizing gels:

1. Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers:

Composition: Usually contains 60 to 95 percent alcohol in the form of ethanol, isopropanol, or n-propanol.

Mechanism of Action: Alcohol destroys particular types of microorganisms through a process called denaturation of proteins.

Characteristics: Quick to get rid of pathogens.

2. Alcohol-free Hand Sanitizers:

Composition: It has BAC or triclosan, the most common disinfectant.

Mechanism of Action: This sanitizer works quickly, providing continuous protection.

Characteristics: Good for people who want to use alcohol-free sanitizers.

When are Hand Sanitizers Most Effective?

Hand sanitizers could fail in situations where your hands are dirtier or greasy. Numerous reports demonstrate that hand sanitizers with 90% alcohol are best for settings like clinics, where hands come into contact with germs but are not very dirty or oily. 

Other research has provided evidence that hand sanitizers are effective against certain germs on slightly soiled hands. However, when your hands become dirty or oily as you handle food, play sports, or work in the garden, you should wash your hands with soap and water.

Which Is the Best Type of Hand Sanitizer?

If soap and water are not available, you should use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Many researchers have found that sanitizers with alcohol concentrations of 60-95% are effective in killing germs but can have a negative effect if used too frequently. 

However, various enzyme-based hand sanitizers are available in the market. They are ideal for the complete safety of your hands, and they also have hydrating agents that prevent your hands from feeling dry. Plus, these sanitizing gels can keep your hands moisturized at the same time.

Benefits of Hand Sanitizer:

Here are some benefits of using sanitizing gels:

1. Cleanliness:

One of the major benefits of hand sanitizer is that it sanitizes your hands and cleans up most germs. When sanitized properly, hand sanitizers can kill 99.9% of germs. 

The CDC indicates that we should always wash our hands when we engage in activities like cooking or eating, interacting with animals, or dealing with trash. In these circumstances, hand sanitizers in Canada are the best substitute for washing your hands with soap and water.

2. Portability:

It is almost impossible to carry a sink around. Occasionally, you may be required to clean your hands and use water, and soap will not always be at hand. A mini hand sanitizer bottle could find its place in your glove compartment, handbag, or even pocket.

3. Ideal for Group Settings:

In the office, in the classroom, or in a busy venue, germs are easily transferred when people are in close contact with each other. Whether you are simply going to eat or to take out the trash, other people’s germs can affect you (specifically when you are in close contact with other people). 

Therefore, having hand sanitizer at your disposal can ensure your safety around different people. If you go to the gym, you can do the same before moving on to the next exercise machine. Thus, using hand sanitizer can be great.

4. Decreases Risk of Illness:

During flu season, being proactive and avoiding close contact with others is extremely important for maintaining your health. During these periods, you should minimize your contact with people. Also, stop going there for unnecessary purposes. 

Still, if you have to go to work or school, carry a sanitizing gel with you. Using hand sanitizer at regular intervals or before eating anything can certainly save you from various contagious diseases.  

5. Softens Your Hands:

Hand sanitizers that don’t contain alcohol help improve the surface of your hands (note that sanitizers that contain alcohol won’t cause this impact). Some hand sanitizers are formulated with emollient ingredients that mildly treat your skin, making your hands smooth and soft. 

However, if your sanitizing gels contains alcohol, you will not get the soothing effect. This is because alcohol can dry the oil layer of our skin, making it crack. 

Key Takeaway

Nowadays, sanitizing gels has become an essential part of our lives. These compact and portable bottles fit into our pockets, bags, or backpacks and can be used effectively to maintain cleanliness anytime and anywhere. 

Moreover, they are quite effective at killing germs and reducing the chance of infection. Hence, they are an important part of our daily regimen. So, get yourself a hand sanitizer today and stay away from all types of contaminants and germs. 


Is Hand Sanitizer Effective Against All Types Of Germs?

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the quantity of germs on your hands, but you should remember that they do not kill all kinds of germs. Soap and water are better for killing germs than hand sanitizers. Although some alcohol-based hand sanitizers, when used correctly, can efficiently kill a large number of bacteria and viruses, soap is still recommended.

What Are the Benefits of Homemade Sanitizer?

The affordable price and compactness of homemade sanitizers make them a life-saving option in situations without water. Moreover, the homemade version can be easily made using additives such as aloe vera gel and essential oils to moisturize and hydrate the skin.

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