How much Does Expense Management Software Cost? Get an Overview!

How much Does Expense Management Software Cost? Get an Overview!
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There is no such fixed cost of expense management software. According to your unique business needs, you can get it customized, however, it leads to its higher pricing. But, don’t worry, as long as you are in this guide. Because we’ll learn about some top expense management software, their capabilities, and price ranges. You’ll have all the details you need before investing in an expense management software. So, get ready to simplify and streamline expense receipt collection, reporting, and reimbursement while moving further in this guide. 

Top Picks as the Expense Management Software

We have curated this list of expense management software for all business needs, be it a startup, mid-size, or enterprise. Move in to select the best among the list that also comes in your budget.  

  1. TrackoField

TrackoField makes expense tracking, reporting, and reimbursement a breeze. By using it, you can get a hold of all expense claims raised by employees. It ensures automation in the entire process of receipt collection and expense reimbursement. Moreover, you can use coherent expense categorization to split the bills provided by employees into different categories like travel and food expenses. Its intuitive user interface helps field employees and managers request and assess claims conveniently. While putting a cap on expenditure, you can ensure that employees will not go above the limits and follow the company’s expense policies. It also provides real-time updates and notifications. Here are unique features of TrackoField that make it top the list of employee expense management software. 

  • Easy to deploy, navigate & access
  • Better visibility into spending
  • Enhanced fraud detection
  • Cap on expenditure
  • Real-time alerts & notifications 
  • Simplified reporting
  • Faster claim processing
  • Integration with Accounting software

TrackoField provides not just an expense and employee attendance system also.  As it is available for free, you can sign up to use this expense management software to streamline your company’s expenses. 

2. FieldSense

FieldSense lets field employees claim expenses incurred during their visits to task sites using their smartphones. Employees can easily report the expenses as soon as they happen. Managers can monitor and analyze their claims for a faster reimbursement process. They can even go through the dashboard to get a quick overview of the details of the visit against which the claim is submitted. The software provides a hassle-free workflow that allows field employees to submit their expense evidence as attachments. Managers by downloading those reports can assess where their money is going. Now, let’s reveal its features: 

  • Smooth expense reimbursement claims
  • Dashboard for a quick overview of expense
  • Convenient expense recording
  • Alerts & notifications on the go
  • Document submission
  • Ease in downloading report

FieldSense is free for up to 20 users. However, it charges ₹30,000 monthly when you have 100 users. 

3. Hubstaff

Hubstaff’s expense management software also helps in managing the field team’s expenses. It brings reports on the data and time when employees have incurred expenses. Field managers can keep track of all expenses incurred during official activities. Also, they can use the software to generate reports that show member names, project names, expense descriptions, amounts, and expense categories. Here are its features being an expense management software. 

  • Receipt upload
  • Expense creation
  • Categorized expenses 
  • Edits in expense
  • Expense removal
  • Invoicing 

As the software is free to use for 14 days, you can give it a try to acknowledge its credibility. Moreover, Hubstaff charges per user, so you need to calculate accordingly to know if it comes under your budget. 

4. Unolo

Unolo is another one of the best expense management system on our list. The software ensures that expense management is a simpler procedure. From tracking, and reporting, to managing expenses, Unolo does it all. By using the software for your field organization, you can validate conveyance claims, digitize the expense claim process, and highlight the most claimed expense easily. Moreover, it offers an intuitive dashboard with a complete picture of top-performing employees. Here is what you will get after using the software: 

  • Distance traveled reports
  • Intuitive dashboard
  • Customized approval policies
  • Restriction on backdated claims
  • Define conveyance rates 

The starting price of the software is ₹325/per month. However, you can get a free trial and learn how Unolo’s employee expense management software can help.

5. Fieldez

Fieldez’s expense management software also helps in managing expenses online. It lets employees update, edit, upload, or modify expense claims via their smartphones. By avoiding the hustling and fidgeting from your field manager’s way, the software lets them simplify the overall process, i.e., (uploading and tracking expenses). Make full use of software and keep a record of all your receipts in one place. Fieldez’s features will better reveal its capabilities. 

  • Invoices Management
  • Intuitive User Interface
  • Expense Uploading
  • Expense Tracking
  • Detailed Monitoring of Calls

After completing the 30 days free trial, you will need to pay the price structure of $25/user/month.

In a Nutshell!

So, these are all the best expense management software with their features, capabilities, and cost. By analyzing your unique business needs and budget you can decide which software to use. However, we recommend using TrackoField as it is available to use for free in spite of offering multiple functionalities and capabilities. You can sign up on TrackoField’s official website to use the software for free. 

Not just the expense module, but TrackoField offers different tools and modules. Such as: 

  • Ad-hoc task allocation
  • Efficient shift scheduling
  • Accurate distance traveled reports
  • Accurate employees’ attendance and leave records
  • Real-time employee tracking
  • Live workforce monitoring
  • Bulk order placement on the go. 

Additionally, TrackoField provides software solutions for every industry like pharmaceutical reporting software to the healthcare industry and sales order management software to the sales industry.

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Quill Brad

I am a passionate writer contributing insightful content on the Mirror Eternally website. My current focus explores the captivating world of interesting articles, ensuring every event leaves a lasting impression.